STC Code of Conduct
Set a positive example
Introduce yourself to new members
Play fairly; acknowledge good shots; shake hands at the end of every match
Be aware that children and beginners are always nearby copying behaviour
Anyone yelling, swearing, or abusing equipment or any of the STC facilities will be warned once, and then asked to leave the courts
If further reprimand is necessary, membership may be revoked with no fees returned
Be considerate of others
Be patient awaiting your turn to play; let others finish their game
Be prompt in leaving the court at the end of an hourʼs play
Return balls to other courts only when others are prepared to receive them
Wait until play has stopped on another court to get your ball
Return balls directly to others
Refrain from practicing your service return on ʻoutʼ serves
Dress Code
Proper tennis attire is required
Rubber-soled athletic shoes showing the current STC shoe tag must be worn at all times.
Players not wearing the tag may be asked to leave the court
No bare or stocking-feet, sandals, boots, roller blades/skates may be worn on STC courts
Tennis/athletic clothing must be worn
No cut-off shorts, bathing suits, or jeans may be worn on STC courts
Abuse, Harassment & Discrimination Policy
STC is a family club meant for everyone and has a strict policy against abuse, harassment and discrimination. You can read the full policy here.